Friday, September 26, 2014

Subscription Box 1: Ipsy Bag!

The original Beauty Subscription that got me addicted to the world of fabulous monthly goodies being delivered to my apartment.

It's a great start up subscription at only $10 a month!

Feel Free To Use My Beauty Code when signing up! 

I look forward to posting my unboxings every month!

Trying My Hand At Blogging!

Welcome to my Blog!

As you can surmise from the title- I have no idea what I'm doing here!

Currently, I am obsessed with Subscription Boxes, Planning My Wedding, Starting A Beauty Company, and Running My Online Stores.

I hope to share with the world pictures and reviews of all my sub boxes, my DIY wedding products, the infancy of my little company, some great Ebay sales, and all the all around insanity of my life.

Bear with my as I try to navigate through the blogging world and wish me luck!