Saturday, November 15, 2014

Ipsy November 2014 Girl Meets Glitter Unboxing!

What it is: Ipsy Glam Bag
Where to get it:
How much is it?: $10.00 monthly + tax
Types of Products: Skin, hair, body, and beauty products and make up.
What are the Perks?!: By reviewing items and sharing Ipsy info on Facebook, rack up Ipsy points to redeem for free beauty products.

Ipsy November 2014: Girl Meets Glitter Unboxing and Review!

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news again. But, I hope not to dishearten anyone with another really negative unboxing review. But, I was gritting my teeth from the very moment I had access to my preview in my personal Glam Room. And let me tell you Ipsy, I am not a happy camper this month.

Let me go into a little more detail here. I was elated when I first found out Ipsy's November theme was going to be glitter. It sounded exciting and spectacular for the upcoming holidays. With how much I loved Ipsy's October bag- I thought I was on a roll. But, with every sneak peak, I felt the "glitter" theme was becoming a bit dubious. When glam rooms went live, I saw very little sparkle and shine over all. But, what I was completely floored by was the fact that my bag contained zero glitter products. On top of all this, every single product I received this month are items I have repeatedly try to opt out of. The final nail in the coffin was when I pulled up the full list of items I was not going to receive, I would have literally taken just ONE of any of the other items and would have been perfectly content. 

I am generally aghast at HOW badly Ipsy missed the mark this month. So, let's break it down:

Upon Opening That Big Pink Envelope:

I'd like to point out that my under eye cream was not actually INSIDE the make up bag. It was actually just floating around the envelope, completely detached from its card. Hence, why I have it pictured here.

Total Contents and Bag Close Up:

Ok, I guess the bag is sparkly... I like the bag. It's one of my more favorite Ipsy bags that I have received. But, I don't pay $10 a month for a make up bag.

1. SeaRx Micro-Dermabrasion Face And Body Scrub:
Sample Size of .3 g

I've said it once, I've said it twice, and I'll say it again. I am woefully wary of using new micro-dermal "scrubs" on my face. My apologies for being cursed with the bad genes of having large, unruly pores. But, I'm not willing to risk a breakout - when I'm already in my breakout season to go wily nily putting gritty scrubs on my face. I have opted out of receiving these products through reviews and my beauty profile. Yet, Ipsy still insists on sending them. On top of which, how small of a body am I supposed to have to use it there instead of on my face...?

2. Be A Bombshell Eye Base in Submissive:
Full Sized, Retails At $14.99

Truthfully, I don't even know what this is, and I don't want it. It appears that Ipsy can only get a hold of gold/bronze shades. And, now I just have too much- I'm overwhelmed and I couldn't even get the item to swatch well. I'm not a huge Be A Bombshell fan. And there's nothing I can do with all the other prime products that already stock my arsenal. I'll give Ipsy props for sending a full sized item. But, that's about it.

3. IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Eye Cream:
Tiny Sample Size of .11 oz

This sample is tiny. I mean teeny tiny- probably one/two uses max. As per the theme for my bag this month- I have received another item I have tried to opt out of. Sigh. Especially since I just bought my amazing Benefit fake up stick last month. I am actually coordinated to trade this with someone via the Ipsy site- since no one else wanted any of the other products I got... It's only redeemable in the sense that I could trade it for other items I didn't receive this month.

4. Marc Anthony Oil of Morocco Argan Oil Volume Hairspray:
Travel Sized Listed for $2.99 on

Literally something I could never use. Oil of oil you say? Hairspray you say? I won't even touch this with a 10 foot pole or fear ending up looking like a drowned rat from the mid 80's.

5. Starlooks Lip Gloss in Guilty Pleasure:
Sample Size of .3 oz

Let's completely disregard that I'm already a Starbox subscriber. I'm sooooooo sick of getting Starlooks samples. And, this tiny sample is just an insult.

Ipsy, I've been a subscriber since mid 2012. And, I never had a bag I outright didn't like until this very month. So upsetting. To juxtapose my 10/10 for Ipsy last month, I am going to have to give my particular Ipsy November Girl Meets Glitter bag a 1/10- just because I liked the bag.  

That being said, there was a plethora of MANY other samples this month that were wonderful. My particular bag just didn't hit the mark: nothing sparkly/glittery, products I can't/won't use, and nothing excitable. 

As I stated in my underwhelming Sample Society November post yesterday, I really hope this month's subscription box let downs are just revving up for some great holiday boxes. Fingers crossed!

I also want to make a quick disclaimer as I have stated in an online forum:  I'm definitely not consistently unhappy with Ipsy. I've been a subscriber since 2012. And have adored the bag and love the inexpensive price.
My rationalization with Ipsy has always been that I'm paying $10 for a bag and always get at least one item I want and love and will use from that bag that equals out $10 over the months- everything else is cool extras to try and sample. Or to gift or sell. There's no losing except for the fact that I have run out of room to store everything and I don't know what to do with all these make up bags. Sometimes I get somethings that I want one month that are worth $4, the next I get something that are worth $15. It evens out.
What I find frustrating is the drop off the cliff I have seen in the past 6 months. I never rated or reviewed individual items because although there were products I did not want. I was under the impression that Ipsy was taking into consideration my beauty profile to help expand my look. A great example that I like to use is the bright red lip colors they consistently sent me. I thought maybe I had created a profile that screamed "Gwen Stephani" look. I'm fair, light blond, "adventurous" style etc in my profile. Although I didn't particularly care for these products and would definitely prefer a product closer to my colors- I thought I could see what they were doing there.
That being said, my perception is the reason you don't see people complaining about a lot of the other sub boxes is because they do not put an insane amount of emphasis on the promise of creating a box specifically catered to the individual.
Ipsy has given the impression that they do through the beauty profiles and product reviews. It would be obnoxious for people to consider that they will everything they want in every bag. But, for example, this month I am not getting a single item I would ever want or use. And sans the red lipstick, I would have taken literally anything from the really substantial list of things that I am not getting.
That's fine. It's one bag. I'm not going to go throw myself off the Empire State Building. I really just wanted to see if consistent feedback actually has an impact in curating a more suitable bag or if this is just Ipsy lip service.
And, I think what you're seeing here is the disconnect of expectation Ipsy creates vs what they actually deliver. If they were like Sample Society for example- you get what you get and you don't get upset, here's a coupon. Then I think you wouldn't hear so much rabble about Ipsy. But, as of late, it seems Ipsy has gotten so big that they're far afield of what they used to be in regards to matching products,value of products, shipping dates, etc. That things feel more like a random lottery than anything else.

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